Digital media Producer

Daysha got her start in digital media producing at 21 when she was hired straight out of college to be a video intern at the viral media powerhouse, BuzzFeed. From the internship program, she worked her way up to becoming a lead video producer, and created over a hundred well-known, viral short-form videos that focused on gender, race, identity, health/wellness/fitness and body positivity. In just 3.5 years, her videos collectively generated over half a billion views globally across YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.

Her videos have been featured on The Huffington Post, Bustle, and Refinery29, among other prominent media outlets. And her first digital docu-web series, Tasting Our Roots, that she directed, produced, and appeared in for BuzzFeed’s Tasty has been featured on Amazon Prime, AppleTV, and Hulu.

Daysha has always had a passion for developing women’s content. Her videos were integral to building the image and success of BuzzFeed’s female-oriented Boldly channel (now As/Is).

Notable BuzzFeed Boldly Hits:

What Are The Best Leggings For Thick Girls

So in 2017, she left BuzzFeed to start her own female-oriented YouTube channel under the name of her self-confidence building blog and lifestyle brand, Yes Queen. With Yes Queen, she has been working hard to develop content that not only centers around the female experience, but that also builds her audience into unapologetically fierce queens.

To do this, she believes that it is imperative that her content express and embody the 4 Queen Commandments (clarity, control, confidence, and choices); that her content allow viewers to find clarity in their situations, create control over their lives, build their sense of confidence, and/or help them to define choices— that this is what will help her viewers to become the queens they’ve always aspired to be.

While enrolled at UCLA for an MFA in playwriting, she has also been taking advantage of the interdisciplinary aspect of the program and has been studying digital media production.

She is excited to unveil new projects that she has been developing for the past year in the program during the summer of 2020. To follow her new projects, please subscribe to her YouTube channel by clicking the button below:

yES queen Content

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  • Thick and Fit Kitchen

  • Love It or Lose It

  • Daysha’s Poetry

More to be unveiled in 2020…



